There were several rare circumstances that conspired to cause the Shout Thread to be lost to time. It’s extremely unlikely that will happen again because users aren’t usually deleting accounts and we aren’t migrating front-ends again.
“Back in those days” I also knew to search for that thread with the string “dishwasher”. So I guess the thread was doomed just because it had such terrible SEO.
Any idea why this forum ( and this forum alone among all web sites as far as I know) would be accessible on my phone on WiFi but never out and about on a 5g connection?
There’s been a big update to Discourse, version 3.4, and since the update an issue with mobile devices has appeared on the forum. When viewing on a mobile (I’ve tested with Android/Chrome) and going into a topic and reading it to the last post then going back to the front page, the topic appears as unread. As the Discourse team are dealing with bugs appearing since the new version, we will wait a couple of days to see if an update is pushed out that will fix this.
I haven’t had a chance to test with other devices/browsers so if anyone else can, please do so and let me know - so if I have to put a bug request out to the Discourse team we can test it fully and give them more data.
Are you still running into this? I can’t imagine why this would be the case—just tested this on my phone in a private browser window (iOS, Firefox) and it corrected itself automatically—but could it be that navigating to instead of is causing the problem? Odd that still works.
I also notice that the mobile homepage allows horizontal scrolling (iOS Firefox and Safari) when it ordinarily doesn’t.
It’s just a homepage issue (for now…) as far as I can tell. Seems like it may be exclusive to iOS if you’re not able to recreate it in your mobile environment.
Have you zoomed in a bit by accident? If I zoom into it it does scroll horizontally but there isn’t a scroll bar appearing. If you have the bar then it’s a layout issue and if not, it’s a zoom.
I thought it might be that, but the scroll bar is present regardless of my zoom level. I’ve reloaded the page a few times in both Firefox and Safari, and it isn’t starting zoomed, but even when I zoom out as far as possible/reset to the default level, the horizontal scroll bar persists
Thanks for checking - clearly a layout issue there. I’ll make a note of that and the first problem too and keep an eye on Discourse forum to see if there’s others that find it and if there’s an update pushed in the next couple of days.