Questions about Discourse and its functions

yes the smallest font size and collapsing the drop downs on the left of the screen makes the forum look more or less like the old one with the exception of the avatars in the middle column

The main thing that threw me off at first was not having the little purple number telling me how many replies had been posted since I last read a thread, but then I realized I could just go in and “track” every thread, so now I feel at home again.

oohh this pretty useful. maybe we should compile all the tips and tricks that make this forum feel more like the old one to ease the transition to some people


in addition to that, it also lists all tracked unread topics at the bottom of the knee you’re reading so it makes for easy browsing. I’m really liking discourse so far

Oh! I just discovered that in Preferences, under Tracking > Topics, you can set it to immediately track any topic you enter.

Set “Automatically track topics I enter” to Immediately. The default is “After 5 minutes.”

You can also set it to automatically track topics in certain categories.

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Also, did i just did this without realizing or is this something done by shane and the mods?

(referring to the fact that threads now have the avatar of the person who created it?

edit: woah we can also see when someones writing


Could you explain what you did here to link to your photo Show me your game photography?

the “avatar of the thread author” was the one thing i was sorely missing from the old forum (really easy to visually id threads that way), so i’m glad it’s brought back. the only thing that’s a bit sad is some of the older threads created by people no longer on the forum will stick with the default letter avatar :(


So as to not re-upload?
I hit edit on my original post and then copy/pasted the markdown link, which includes the upload:// style url for it

Or if you mean the footnote style thing, that is a markdown-it footnote. Use [^label] inline, and then on a new line
[^label]: contents of the footnote here

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or you can auto-track everything within specific categories. I have just added every category to the thing here on my prefs page:

This was one of the harder things to get used to for me. I used to identify threads more often by the avatar of the creator than the actual name of the thread on the old forum. Glad to see it back.

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Okay, yeah, with the addition of the poster’s avatar on the main page, the new “insert credit” theme, and shrinking the font size a bit, this is feeling pretty comfortable now


This is me messing with the default settings. Trying to make it feel like the other forum a bit more.


I know people have mentioned the default font a bunch and wanting it smaller. I think the best thing for people to do is what you have all been doing and editing in your preference. The size of the font changes pretty drastically depending on the size of your monitor along with the pixel density so it’s a hard thing to get exactly right for everyone.


We’ve added a tag group for languages now. So you can just tag the thread as being that language.


This is cruel


Was limited to 50 upped it to 500


With the change to have all the threads have the avatar of the original poster as an icon this now looks pretty similar to the old forum on mobile.
Thx y’all!


Will the axe make a return or are emojis not allowed in category labels?

Thank you for all your hard work!!

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along these lines, I also don’t love the number displayed next to links quantifying how many clicks they got. dunno if it is an option to remove that as an individual user. sorry if this is a bit neurotic :P

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