Sonic The Threadhog

He is reading the Bible :heart:

@“◉◉maru”#p145714 if ur cold he's cold LET HIM IN



@“IrishNinja”#p145747 He‘s checking the bible to see if that’s appropriate.

does Sonic sip and sprint?


@“connrrr”#p145756 He champagnes and reigns!

(Source: [Hedgehogs of Time Sonic Mania mod](


@“treefroggy”#p145314 Speaking of Sonic Pocket Adventure, I’m not sure to what degree the two are linked, but they do walk almost precisely the same line.

Dimps, the company that made all the Advance/Rush games and the handheld companions to Colours/Generations/Lost World, plus Sonic 4 and the Wii/PS2 versions of Unleashed, is an ex-SNK studio that retained a few of the leads from Pocket Adventure, so there's a direct lineage.

Advance got dinged at the time for being too slow and too by-the-numbers, so its reputation tends to seesaw in tandem with sentiment on its direct sequels, which have their own issues but were immediately more ambitious and presented a more assured identity than "classic gameplay with modern character designs". Even now, with games like Mania and Superstars existing in the same general space but with more ambition, scope and attempts at innovation, Advance is kinda just there—people like it well enough, but it doesn't offer a whole lot to talk about.

Post-launch, Advance's popularity probably peaked around ten years ago, when the likes of Sonic 4 made it clear that executing on a conventional Sonic game wasn't as simple as people presumed it to be.

Have been playing Sonic Superstars. I want to meet the person with the enormous cojones who decided that this game should evoke Sonic 4 in almost every measurable way.

I played Sonic Overture. While it‘s exciting and may be the closest thing to a Sonic Mania followup, it does make a lot of choices I find to be questionable. But it’s a good concept with some great art and ideas… Just not unified yet.

and I did play with a saturn controller.


I spent a long time preferring Advance 2 over Advance 1 just because I really enjoyed the breakneck speed at which the game operates, bad level design be damned. I still enjoy giving it a romp, but I have come to appreciate the nuance of Advance 1 and how well of a job they did reviving the Genesis style gameplay for a new system.

You're absolutely right about Amy, too! Playing as Sonic in Advance 1 is fun and all, but that game is secretly called Amy Advance and/or Knuckles Advance in my headcannon, because those two characters play so great in that game and I feel like no other game has captured those playstyes since. Why won't they let Knuckles punch anymore??? I was so hoping he'd be able to punch in Sonic Mania.

@“milo”#p146493 I find the only time I die in Sonic Advance 2 is when 5 minutes of rail grinding spits me directly into an instant death corner of a slowly moving block or a bottomless pit.

I think Sonic Advance 1 is significant. Like I said above, Amy's design shouldn't be overlooked. That, at the very least is something unique about this one, even if you think everything else is by the books.

The music in all three games is really good, I think eventually I can bring myself to play through advance 2 and maybe 3... but also maybe I won't. Because the first game feels infinitely replayable (especially if I'm trying to grind rings for the mini chao garden)

I would really like to give the various vs. modes a try too.

Sonic and his floaty friends at the Taipei Game Show 2024.


from last weekend's dope sonic symphony!

Happy 30th anniversary to Feb 2, 1994 a.k.a. Hedgehog Day.


@“◉◉maru”#p152711 The one I posted sounds waaayyy more annoying and thusly better thnk yo