There are too many videogames. A thread of polls for the indecisive.

I have too many gaming blind spots and I need to start hacking away at my back catalog (choose 1-2):

  • Earthbound
  • Dark Souls
  • Nier: Replicant
  • The Last of Us
  • Final Fantasy IX
0 voters
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if it helps, metaphor is long but itā€™s way shorter than p5

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It does a lot actually! I think my brain is finally allowing me to commit to Metaphor. Itā€™s an interesting game so far.

Iā€™m enjoying The Witcher 3 a lot. The popular opinion, in the wider gaming world, seems to be that the DLC Blood and Wine is actually the best part of the whole thing. I donā€™t currently own any of the DLC. I want to know what the esteemed minds and personalities of IC thinkā€“should I get the DLCs?

  • Blood and Wine only
  • Heart of Stone only
  • Both
  • Neither
0 voters
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Theyā€™re both great but very different. HoS has some of the best writing in game and you can slot it into your normal playthrough. BoW is a pleasant post game victory lap.


Someday Iā€™ll go back and try the DLC again, but my first time, I couldnā€™t really get into them. I probably did about half of both but fell off. That may be a ā€œmeā€ problem (very long main game playthrough meant I was ready for something else) rather than a DLC problem, though.

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Theyā€™re both excellent, only thing Iā€™d say is that since the game is so long you might end up wanting to slot Blood and Wine in as a way to revisit the game after taking some time away from it after beating the base game. Itā€™ll feel like playing a new game in the series


To unhelpfully differ with two of the above comments:

Hearts of Stone had some of the most irritating writing in the game, imo. I liked the base game at the time, but playing HoS years later I disliked it to the point that Iā€™m now unsure how much I could have liked the base game. I know rationally I couldnā€™t have done a complete 180 on it in only a few years but it was a powerfully negative experience. I started Blood and Wine a few weeks later but couldnā€™t get into it.

However, your posts Ruby have inspired me to again think I must have been wrong and that I should give it another chance. (Perhaps I shouldnā€™t have voted.)

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yes it should be said that The Witcher III is a lot of witcher and itā€™s possible to burn out on the amount of witcher you get. HoS is pretty essential I think itā€™s at that good episode of Star Trek TNG quality writing the game has. You can definitely hold off on BaW until youā€™ve finished the game and if you want more itā€™s a great addition at that point

voting ā€œneitherā€ is a micro aggression btw


I think itā€™s likely that, if I play them at all, it will be a month or two after my initial play through of the main game. My only fear in that regard is that thereā€™s a kind of momentum I have with games, and if I stop after the main story wraps up I may never find that momentum again. At the same time, I recognize that as an ā€œanxiety thoughtā€ and will act accordingly.

I appreciate the input @captain, and what what itā€™s worth, I relate. I think Iā€™ve mentioned before, but Iā€™ve bounced off The Witcher 3 multiple times before, and it seems to be sticking this time. In the past Iā€™ve found the writing grating, the combat frustrating, and the frequent ā€œuse your Witcher sensesā€ parts dull. Sometimes I still feel those things, but I also think I am more patient now and more willing to engage with the experience as a whole.

Like, Iā€™ve spent 30-60 hours each on Assassinā€™s Creedā€™s Origins and Odyssey wrestling with the settings to try to tune an open world experience to my liking (not a cluttered UI, an organic unfolding of the world and environments, variety of quest design and difficulty), and only getting hints of what I was looking for. Turns out CKPR did that for me in this game they made in 2015. So even though some of the individual elements arenā€™t up my alley, Iā€™m in a place where Iā€™m digging the whole experience. For whatever reason, Iā€™m more available for the experience rn.


You tipped me over to voting ā€œneither.ā€ I played Witcher 3 for a while and eventually got to the heart and stone stuff without realizing it (I had some sort of complete edition) and was like wait, THIS is the good story and good writing people were talking about?

But yeah I think I just donā€™t like the Witcher very much. I personally think if youā€™ve bounced off the Witcher multiple times it is possible that you also donā€™t like the Witcher very much.

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HoS was fine imo but the writing felt a little too ā€œcheekyā€ but it was rather short so didnā€™t get grating. BaW was real good and pretty. Both are worth the time.

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you notice the premise of the question here is that this person does like The Witcher already


If youā€™re enjoying the game now and have the DLC ready Iā€™d go with it, itā€™s how I played it as one entire game and enjoyed it. I think Iā€™d have felt differently if it had been the game, then returning to the DLC after a break - something I really donā€™t like to do. I happened to get the Switch Complete edition and honestly I donā€™t remember when I started on the DLCs, but I hadnā€™t finished the game and sort of wandered into them accidently.

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Kind of tangential to this whole thing, but one reason Iā€™ve been willing to return to the game after bouncing off in the past is because when I first built my PC ~8 years ago, a dear friend gifted me the game on Steam.

This is why I only have the base game and not any sort of complete edition that has since become common.


the witcher 3 complete edition is $9 on steam right now. despite already having played a big chunk of the base game on ps4, iā€™ve had it sitting in my cart for about a week because i still think it is the platonic idea of ā€œthose type of gamesā€ and fun to pop into from time to time.


I think this is true and makes a lot of sense to me, but Iā€™m also having a different experience and, thinking about it more, often have the experience of liking something I previously didnā€™t, or not liking something I previously did. I think itā€™s been a question on the show before, but this gives me an idea for a new thread.

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Wrapping up Mother 3 tonight. Started Stalker 1, like it but feeling a Souls itch. Not sure how to scratch it.

  • Continue Elden Ring (at Mountaintop of Giants)
  • Demon Souls (PS3)
  • Sekiro
  • Other action fun recs (Switch/PS3/4/mister)
0 voters

I chose Elden Ring because that is where I stopped and have not yet returned to.