What's in the mail?


I‘m not sure how helpful this’ll be for you but here‘s an emulated screenshot of Alien Soldier in the same area and I’ve also taken a photograph of the same spot using my own Gunstar Treasure Box/Jp PS2/PVM via RGB SCART:

[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/ZwYgqcI.png]
[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/rmMwtXN.jpeg]

@“Kimimi”#p38568 thanks so much! this will definitely help in the last steps of color tweaking! normally I calibrate once using the 240p suite and then I test some games and tweak a little bit more, having a reference for that will be nice.

I probably won't be able to get the best colors until I change all the capacitors, but at least I can try to get it to look as close as I can to your pictures!

I need to learn a lot more about CRT safety and practice soldering a lot more before I dare to replace those capacitors

@“穴”#p38582 Happy to help!

@“fetus8”#p38176 Looks like a NW-A45? I picked one up about 4 or so years ago and it's been great for both wireless/wired applications. I hope your experience with it is as good as mine has been!

I have ripped most of my video game OST CD's to it along with everything else.

For me I think it was less about audiophile and more about simply growing up with a walkman and minidisc player. A standalone music player was always a thing and with phones no longer having SD card slots, they just aren't viable for music for me any more.

@“fetus8”#p38176 dang, that looks excellent

@“Unbeknownst2U”#p38587 It‘s the NW-A55! I haven’t tried it wirelessly yet, as I don‘t think I have anything that supports the high bitrate bluetooth codecs. That’s okay though, it sounds so good via the IEMs and my old ATH-M50Xs too.

I'm in the process of ripping my CD collection now. I had to acquire a CD/DVD/Blu-Ray drive as I haven't a computer with one in years! Ripping CDs and organizing my Music library including some FLACs from What.CD has actually been quite the fun adventure. (Trying to organize it all manually is leading me to develop a little python program to help sort/move files around. lol)

Plus, I've been hitting up my local thrift stores and pillaging their CD selection and have been ordering a few things of Discogs already. This seems like a rabbit hole that I'm easily going to get lost in.

I won't elaborate here, maybe this needs it's own thread, but I totally get wanting to ditch your phone as a music device, that definitely influenced me too. Over the past year, I've slowly weened myself off of streaming services, audio and visual, and started to really build up a media library. Between the quality of streaming content, and the sometimes lack of selection, it felt right to me to buy an DAP in 2021, and being able to listen to FLACs in full quality and hear the staggering difference between them and Apple Music Loseless, was just icing on the cake!

Bonus Pic, CDs I ripped this weekend and haven't put away yet:
[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/NEZfCV6.jpeg]

Guess I’m gonna double post but my discogs order(s) showed up today AND a switch game came in!!

[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/QCLPKH1.jpeg]

I had this little bundle arrive today: An RGB modded PC Engine Duo and a copy of Star Parodier!

This is actually the…seventh? eighth? PC Engine I‘ve owned over the years, but this type with this mod is the only one I’ve really missed, so I'm over the moon to have another :smiley:


@“fetus8”#p38665 Those mid-2000s Cure remasters are so good.

I promise I was of sound mind when I made this purchase:

[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/iObmKyX.jpg]

But seriously, I unironically love some of these weird woozy meandering songs:


Also recently received this wonderful custom GBA from [ModernModsShop on Etsy](https://www.etsy.com/shop/ModernModsShop). IPS screen, upgraded speaker amp, and USB-C rechargeable battery--looks and sounds great!

[upl-image-preview url=////i.imgur.com/qu3sMOF.jpg]

[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/31n58dC.jpeg]

[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/P6S0Tfx.jpeg]

I bought this salmon skin wallet in 2015 at the [Iceland Museum of Design and Applied Art](https://www.honnunarsafn.is/en). It has been full used up and is falling apart at the seams. I was sentimental about this wallet and felt bad about parting with it, but I knew I needed a replacement.

There are a number of salmon skin wallets on Amazon, but I decided to try and find something not-amazon, maybe a bit more artisanal. I came across [Fiskur Leather](fiskurleather.com), a guy who "specializes in exotic fish leathers imported form Iceland". I purchased a wallet made of salmon and kangaroo leather, and I hope it will last me AT LEAST as long as my last one, and I think it should, it feels pretty sturdy.

[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/QbImhuL.jpeg]
[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/bqgZXUB.jpeg]

The wallet arrived last week, but this arrived today.

[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/qs8Pmpb.jpeg]

Can you guess what it is?
The answer is below.

||[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/DY9ckdA.jpeg]
It's a big dog friend. I ordered it months ago after seeing someone on the forums posting about it. Pictured here with my small dog friend.||

The wallet and the ||palamute|| were both kind of belated birthday gifts to myself.

@“Funbil”#p37468 update on my little collection! three more Japanese imports, with one game in English for some reason…… oh! it's because I bought it from @“Cheddahz”#356! I‘ve actually never played a Fumito Ueda game before, and am only familiar with Shadow of the Colossus in any kind of significant way, so I’m definitely excited to dig into this one.

Also, funny story, I never had any plans of getting Valkyrie Profile at all. It's the only game I've gotten so far that has no personal significance to me (I actually don't even know what the game is like besides the fact that it's some kind of RPG...!). The reason it's in my hands now is because I was actually bidding on a JP copy of Final Fantasy VII, but I got outbid right at the last second. Oh well! There will be more....... but, I guess I was really fiending to spend $12 that night. In the recommended section, Ebay was showing me this copy of Valkyrie Profile going for the exact same price as the copy of FFVII I was bidding on, and there was only 4 minutes left in the auction. Eh, what the hell...... So, just like that, what was supposed to be Final Fantasy VII turned into Valkyrie Profile. Later found out this game is quite expensive in English, so I'm not complaining!! [upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/sHsmAFb.jpeg]

I went on eBay & ended up with this matchbox holder that has a weasel on it

[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/ICs3fJF.png]

[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/jqdrMLX.jpeg]

Laphroaig 2021 Cairdeas just landed in the mail

Haven’t opened one yet, but keen to give it a go.

Got a slim Japanese PS2 arrive this morning with some goddarn pristine games. Heck yeah.

[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/4TQdruQ.jpeg]
[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/fuTNTrO.jpeg]

Quick mail update, I took a bottle over to my friend’s store to open it so we could try it

[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/6j74oMu.jpeg]

@“rejj”#p41142 Laphroaig is the sole reason that I regret giving up drinking.

Oh my, I'm sorry if that was insensitive of me to post booze!


Oh man you've just sent me down my own rabbit hole. I had no idea what a DAP was until your post and now I really wanna order this:

[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/UA1xvL1.jpeg]

I've been really unhappy with music apps on my phone and this seems like a really cool yet expensive alternative.

Also, I got this unopened pack of SEGA freaks trading cards in the mail. I had every intention of opening it but now the purist, collector side of me is scared.

[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/KNQoDrG.jpeg]

I've looked at pics of this collection online for a while and I'm excited for what's in there. Maybe one day I'll find out.

@“rejj”#p41176 No, it‘s fine. I’m never had any dependency on alcohol. I just gave it up for general health reasons and also good whisky gets really expensive!