What's in the mail?

@“LeFish”#p41146 Your comment did make me realize the self-depreciating concept of “giving up” on alcohol is a very specific English idiom that I don’t remember experiencing in other languages. Not be all paranoid but I wonder if it had been originally coined and made popular by the liquor lobby in order to instill the idea of failure on the person’s part for not consuming alcohol.

Maybe you people should use other verbs! You broke up with alcohol. You dumped alcohol. Alcohol and you have consciously uncoupled.

@“chazumaru”#p41215 Alcohol and I are old flames that only seem to see each other at parties or across the room at a bar. We acknowledge each other and separately enjoy our own time.

I‘ve had a few things come through in the last few days that I’m very pleased with. I deeply regret selling my original PS2 copy of Dragon Quest VIII but I feel that my Japanese is good enough for me to muddle my way it again in Japanese. Raw Danger on the other hand I know I'm going to struggle a bit more with as my reading speed is pretty bad these days but getting an English version was significantly more expensive than the £20 I paid for the Japanese version.

[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/VQUG62r.jpeg]

I've been slowly curating a small collection of N64 games recently and managed to get an obscenely cheap, loose Castlevania 64 and a reasonably priced Hybrid Heaven, which I'm very pleased about. I'm less optimistic about getting a reasonably priced Legacy of Darkness but hopeful nonetheless.

[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/6LO8hdk.jpeg]

The 8th Berserk Deluxe Edition is in the mail today. I started reading the manga with the release of the first deluxe edition, which is a gorgeous magazine-size fauxleather omnibus, and so I‘ve been reading the manga out of these when they come out every four months or so. Until now, I thought I was at this leisurely pace catching up to the new releases; this is the first deluxe edition to come out since Miura’s death.

[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/lRGZJbl.jpeg]

Took 3 months to get here but finally got this in the mail today.

[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/ZKwEpo9.jpeg]

Couple random things arrived today.

Decided to finally get my old Saturn back up and running, hence the Action Replay

The other two things are related: A few nights ago while I was enjoying Sin and Punishment on the N64, I had two important revelations: 1) I owe it to myself to finally pick up the Wii sequel that I had been waffling about purchasing for a decade and 2) this eBay N64 pad I cleaned up had a distressingly wobbly stick. Popped some of these injection molded replacements in and it feels great (you can see a comparison of the new and worn parts above the “Thank you” paper). I highly recommend these parts if you’re looking to restore an old analog stick!

Here’s another shot of the new and old parts—doesn’t look like a huge difference here, but that layer of worn away plastic around the interior opening is enough to make the stick feel terribly loose:

[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/n3tRxO2.jpeg]

@“connierad”#p42158 !! I totally missed this! Oh I'm so happy to see someone else with the game :smiley:

@“Funbil”#p40773 Recently got these two consoles from @“robinhoodie”#120 (the PS1 just came in the mail today)! Between these and that copy of Ico, I'm getting quite the mileage out of the sale thread. Keeping things within the community feels really nice! [upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/kGugJKk.jpeg]

I didn't take pictures of the packaging, but here are the spade connectors that I had to order, return to an Amazon locker because they were the wrong size and then reorder the 2.4 mm size ones. Point is, I got them because the harnesses were not long enough to reach all the buttons etc. etc. So I had to trim and re-crimp a number to extend the ground rail and make sure the back/select buttons were actually wired.

[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/10aOgJD.jpeg]

Just got this beauty; boy howdy does that screen look nice in person. Why does this tiny, beautiful machine exist. The Game Boy Micro is such a deeply strange product and I love it dearly.

[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/lNGitRc.png]

Thanks to the latest episode I ended up getting this book (Flipnic I just really wanted).

[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/WFZohU6.jpeg]

@“LeFish”#p42892 Whoa, that book sounded really interesting & the cover is way cooler than I expected

I hate that I supported a scalper & this'll probably be my last big hardware purchase for a while, but I got this Nintendo-refurbished 2DS. Because of digital games disappearing more often, I started to dwell on not having access to stuff I bought previously, like Attack of the Friday Monsters! & Crimson Shroud, & began to regret selling my 3DS when I got a Switch. Nintendo refurbished stuff is nigh indistinguishable from new, so I figured it might be my last chance to get a new 2DS. Not a New 2DS, like the model, but a...new 2DS. You know what I mean.

[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/E1CFcEG.png]

This made my day

[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/CIXC7HK.jpeg]
[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/PRNcjnE.jpeg]


And here’s the contents:

[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/nBmh2HZ.jpeg]

Everything’s in pretty great condition! The Japanese model 2 is so lovely. This unit will most likely be getting a MODE installed once that arrives. The discs won’t go to waste, though, as I have a (region free) Japanese model 1 that I’ll be leaving with its disc drive intact. In the mean time I also have my original US model with a Satiator installed, so this is all really especially frivolous at this point lol.

Following Matt Sephton‘s thread about the P/ECE over on twitter I impulsively bought one on suruga-ya. Without pictures. I have downloaded probably a few hundred games in preparation for this and have even contacted a few Japanese developers about digging up their long lost releases for the system. I also sort of rushed into the purchase and bought one with no pictures so I’m slightly terrified that it's going to show up completely thrashed. But on the other hand I definitely got the impression they were going to be hard to come by for a while so… probably worth it.

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SCART matrix switcher arrived today:

[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/cs8eSKt.jpeg]

For anyone in the market this thing works perfectly and has a really nice hefty solid metal construction (those bulky SCART cables are not going to budge this thing).

I have my PSX and Saturn hooked up to the RetroTINK 5x-Pro through it now and it works quickly and flawlessly:


Next step is to connect the PVM to the other output on the matrix!

Ya'll, after being robbed of it by morons last year, I am really hoping for a post-booster probably outdoor Halloween party with a whole lot of my fully vaxxed-assed friends. And to that point, I picked up some packages from Wish.com today:

[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/KZYS7DT.png]

(Phase 1 pictured -- I used some magical Honey promo code & got most of this for a grand total of about $22)

My new Gameboy

[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/7Sxx81F.jpeg]

recently scored some primo gear~

[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/7GNL9VF.jpeg]
[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/J9uQ0DQ.jpeg]

My partner got me this little bastard, he showed up in the mail yesterday.[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/oOgdHlP.jpeg]

got a neat parappa shirt

[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/ULqvRT9.jpeg]