A thread in which to introduce oneself

I’ve watched mostly via MidnightSumo on twitch, though that hasn’t been working with my schedule lately

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Welcome! I for one like the walls of text…
I really enjoyed that Satan recommendation, and I haven’t really ever listened to metal before, so that was a pleasant surprise!


Hello, I am Tom and I like IC so I am joining the forum.

Edit - this is THE Tom just doing some testing stuff for the forum, so please feel free to like, reply or even flag this post!

Edit 2 - Just doing another review on this one!


welcome TEST USER
which is actually a pretty good name for a (confusing) real forum member.


until we get confirmation from the real tom, i’ll choose to believe this is a clever impersonator who’s trying to replace the real tom and then, once granted mod powers, will delete the forums


new @unknown just dropped





In highschool I did a comic for the paper called flapjack and skippy. it was about rednecks who were not smart and I do not think it would hold up well today :grimacing:


I was actually going to post two pictures, one flapjack and one pancake but then I got this message:

What does suck is my doppelganger is good. I do have a beard so I must be evil Tom.

Maybe you all want the nicer one…


If it was a kangaroo eating flapjacks that would have been a great read.

Of course depends which state you’re in as some of them are not legally allowed to have kangaroos as pets…

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I just got that :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Hello my name is Ari. I’m 25. I like to make clay figures of video game characters and hopefully soon my own original characters. I’m studying French. I know a bit of elementary Japanese.

… I discovered this site by trying to find a way to play sarara’s little shop or だんじょん商店会. I find the game’s art style really inspiring. I would even attempt to study Japanese more intensely if that is the only I can fully play it.

But I thought it would be cool to join this forum and maybe lurk and find neat games and ways to play those games on either the original console or something else.


Hello, friend! Real interested in seeing those clay figures, I love that stuff. There’s a thread for sharing our creative works over here.


Hey there! I deeply missed forums and so here I am.

I write blogs and make videos about games and other media. More often than not my work is related to player agency / co-authorship or Ace Combat / Ace Combat-likes.


Welcome! You may be the perfect person to tell me more about this game and whether it’s actually interesting or just conceptually so.


Hey all I’m Steve, as you might be able to tell from the name.

I’m one of those “elder millennials” who does miss forum communities (something Discord will never replicate properly) and the “old internet” days.

My history with games involves playing NES Pinball before I could even talk, being a Nintendo fanboy in the 90s, evolving to appreciate all systems in the 2000s, then moving onto more PC gaming where the fun indies are at.

Getting older has meant less time to focus on big, time-consuming games but sometimes one catches my attention long enough to finish it. The last “big” game I finished was Hi-Fi Rush. Was a lot of fun!

Anyway, hope to see y’all around!


I’ll check it out :) thank you!

I have a social media but I want to try the true forum experience.

Id like to share some pictures eventually for sure :blush: thanks for letting me know.


Hello! I’m Nic and I’m happy to be here on the cool forum, Insert Credit.

For work I ensure global age rating and cultural sensitivity compliance at Riot.

For not work, I do a weekly stream (Wednesdays at noon Pacific at Twitch) where I check out video game manuals and read through them.

Also, I’m a dad who lives in the Bay Area and loves playing video games made by small teams.

Thanks for having me!


Welcome – cute idea for a stream! Sounds like fun. Maybe you could add interesting contributions to this forum game some time